Saturday 30 April 2011


HI every one, Its me, Jack, currently in Las Vegas. but we stayed In Palm Desert (located in Palm springs, before we came here. and before anyone asks, NO we DIDN'T see a celebrity (but hoping to see one). BUT someone that we met in Palm Desert said that Katy Perry was there, IN PALM SPRINGS!!!!! last week.

But to start at the beginning, I told Luke that we were flying Los Angeles In a Qantas A380 plane, Luke began to panic because one of those planes wings exploded once, so Luke began to carry on. after we got off the plane, it took about 30 minutes to get through customs, and 10 minutes to find our bags. we took a taxi through to a RV shop, where we left for palm springs.

OH!! I forgot to mention, I was selected as a suspicious character, and needed to have a security check. but I was cleared as fine (how else would I be here writing to you) I don't think I have anything else to say, but I will just say that you can ask as many questions as you like, I don't care.

from Jack.

Friday 29 April 2011


Hey there everyone,

Just in case you were wondering we made it safely to our first 2 destinations - first LA via plane and second to Palm Springs (well actually Palm Desert) in our RV.

It has been warm, blowing a gale and because we have all been awake for a ridiculous amount of time (the longest Friday I have ever experienced) we are all now tucked up in bed and asleep at 8:00pm.  (Well kids are asleep anyways!)

The roads are crazy and it is very weird sitting in the drivers seat without a steering wheel!

Jack got stopped at the airport, but I will let him share that with you!

Will upload photos when  I can ge them to work... speak to you all soon!


Thursday 21 April 2011


Hi everyone!

This is our first blog - set up especially for our trip to US!  We are all very excited - only 7 days away!!!

Jack and Luke will be posting their views and experiences (with pictures of course) as we travel around so make sure you have a look and leave some comments so the kids know you have visited!!

Next time we speak we will be on our way!!

NEXT BLOG:  29th April 2011