Monday 2 May 2011

Las Vegas is so exciting!


Las Vegas has SO much stuff to do and see... if you come over remember to wear comfy shoes when walking down the strip - it is at your own detriment if you don't listen to this advice!  We walked (yes including the 3 boys) from one end to the other.

Besides that we saw some amazing stuff today!  The kids and I swam at the swimming pool while Steven went to a shooting range shooting machine guns!! (when in Rome and all that...)

Then we went to the strip - unless you have been here it is hard to describe the enormity of the place, there are all parts of the world represented - Paris' Eiffel Tower, Greek Colosseum, Statue of Liberty and the skyscrapers of New York, Venice, Pirates and everything between!!

There is a whole 4 floors in one shop dedicated to M&Ms.

We saw the water show at the Belagio (well worth the wait) and the light show at Downtown Vegas - now that is an exciting place!

t really is a small world, walking through Circus Circus we ran into an Australian I work with!  HI PETE!

I have more photos and even some video... the boys are behaving themselves, in fact I am wondering if Aliens have visited and body snatched them!! haha! 

So now I am resting my feet, waiting for my washing to dry and looking forward to a sleep in, after that it is a helicopter ride around the Grand Canyon... probably the safest option... I don't want to risk a heart attack when ever the kids get within 1km of the edge!!!

Love to everyone and see you all soon...


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