Friday 13 May 2011

OH YEAH BABY... THIS IS HOLLYWOOD!! At least that's what they tell us...

We made it to Hollywood and really, not as pretty as everywhere else we have been, but still, now we can say we have been here... will we rush back?  Probably not.

We think we saw someone famous - David Spade... from Rules of Engagement... cant say 100% sure, but it really looked like him!! 

Went on yet another tour, saw some famous houses, I took photos of them but cant remember who they all belong to haha!

Here are some photos from the day!

A cool race car - the most expensive in the world!  Just one of the many fancy cars on Rodeo Drive.  Ben would like one of these for his birthday...  hmmmm...

the Beverly Hilton - where they hold the Golden Globes

the Hollywood sign

boys in front of the Hollywood sign

Kodak Theatre - where they hold the Academy Awards (the Oscars)

Jack EXTREMELY excited - he found Harry Potter hands and feet!

Me EXTREMELY excited - I found Victoria's Secret and Steven and the boys waited outside while I perused and shopped!

the Beverly Hills sign, unfortunately I had the camera on the wrong setting!!! Looks kind of arty don't you think!


By the way, we are currently in HOLLYWOOD, city of celebrities. we went on a tour around the city, and saw the houses of Brittney Spears, Miely Cyrus(yes, Lani, if nan shows you, MIELY CYRUS), Madonna, George Clooney, Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley's last houses before they died, Drew Barrymore's house and the Playboy mansion.

I also spotted someone off the T.V. show, RULE'S OF ENGAGEMENT! That's the only celebrity I am going to see:-(

That's all I am going to write today, so GOOOODBYE FELLOW FOLLOWERS.  

We are going to fly to Disneyland and first we are going to see the rockets at the space centre.  Then we are going to go to America - Disneyland and we are going to see Cars 2 at the movies.  Then we are going home at Australia.

See you soon I am going to bed now.  I miss you so much.

Tomorrow we are going to the Nickelodeon resort, I am SOOOO EXCITED!!!  Dad said we would be going down water slides with slime instead of water and landing into a slime pool.  I don't think that's true, I think it is water with green food colouring.

Today we went to IHOP, it was a really good restaurant.  I had the Silver 5 which was 5 pancakes, a piece of bacon and scrambled eggs and it was only 360 calories!  Jack had something that was like 550 calories or maybe more!  Mummy let us have most of her hot chocolate.

For tea we went to this place called Mal's Diner.  Ben and I with our tea got cardboard cars with flames on them.  I am using my car as Angel's car - my favourite teddy.  Ben is using his car as Fluffy and Puppy's car. 

I am really missing everyone and I just cant wait to see everyone again.

Well I have to go to bed now so goodbye!  Have a nice time in Australia!

1 comment:

  1. Hi guys loved reading your blog u make it sound so good which I think would b an understatement its awesome missing u all and cant wait to read your next blog have fun at disneyland love u all heaps nan and pop
