Tuesday 10 May 2011

Santa Cruz to Pismo Beach!!

Hi there everyone,

We are on our way back to LA to drop of the RV.  I am kind of sad that we have to give it up, it really has been such a great adventure!! Here are some photos over the past day... not in order - that requires time and patience!!

Pismo Beach sunset, Steven and all 3 boys are there!

More Pismo Beach sunset
The river at Felton (Santa Cruz Redwoods RV Park)

The view from our bedroom window at Felton (Santa Cruz Redwoods RV Park)

The setting at Felton - so beautiful! (Thats our van)
Clearly the sign leading us into the park!  At least Ben is bigger then the Bear!

The way down to the river.

The boys posing for one of the many photos!

So tomorrow we will be heading to Malibu - the last night in our van!  We will keep an eye out for Charlie Sheen but not sure we will have any luck seeing him!! hahaha!!

After that a couple of days in Hollywood.  Only a small blog I know but we the boys will add their piece tomorrow!

See you all!!


1 comment:

  1. hi hon photos look will talk soon cant wait to hear from the boys luv to all mum
