Saturday 7 May 2011

We are at San Francisco

Hi everyone,

We thought we would do a combined blog tonight!  Things have been going great, the weather at San Francisco is not as warm as what we have become accustomed to (even though Steven does look like he is suffering 3rd degree burns on his head from today!)


Today we went to Alcatraz.  We want a Ferry and we got there pretty quick!  When we got to Alcatraz there was this girl talking and she repeated everything she said!  My favourite part was when we went on the audio tour around parts of the prison. 

I did morse code today and I did my name and the guy who mainly does it, does it like a speeding rocket.  The guy said I got my own job on morse coding at Alcatraz prison and I was going to get paid $10 a month which is pretty bad!!!

I got a harmonica as a souvenir so I will be able to show you when I get back.  I had a great time!

Bye everybody.


We had fish and chips for tea in an English fish and chip shop and Dad had beer from there and it tasted good too, I only had a Pepsi and Mum had a Pear cider and mega onion rings that Dad really loved!

We went to Alcatraz, we went on a ferry and we went on a tour that made my legs tired, then we goed back to our RV and we ummm, we, I don't really remember! 

Mum was doing some laundry, I got Mum a card for Mothers Day.  Happy Mothers Day Nanny and Grandy.

Bye Bye, that's all my stories from Muscle Man and Puppy.


Hulloo everybody!

Yesterday we went swimming - sure it was cold, but the pool was warm and the spa was hot... DAMN HOT!!!

The temperatures in San Francisco felt like arctic temperatures, yet as I said the pool was warm.  We went to Alcatraz today, I enjoyed the boat ride over.  A little rough, but okay. The jail was really, really, really amazing.  We went on an audio tour around the jail and I decided that one of the escapes was quite brutal.  1 guard and 3 prisoners were fatally shot during the incident that went for 2 DAYS!!! Mum took photos of where the grenades were dropped on the floor.

On a less interesting topic I have learnt what I like on my subways now.  I like swiss cheese, cheddar cheese, parmesan cheese on meatballs covered in lettuce.

Thanks for reading this blog and hope I didn't bore you to sleep.

Love Jack

PS:  We saw a couple of whales in the ocean out in front of our van at the RV Park.  We couldn't really see them but it was pretty amazing!


It really has been an amazing trip, the boys have behaved themselves (for the most part) but I think that is because both Steven and I are that little bit more relaxed.

The drive has been great! I am so glad we decided to see California this way.. the scenery has been so varying and for the most part very pretty.. I already have a heap of photos, but for those of you who know me, this wouldn't surprise you!!

I would love to post more on the site, however the internet connections dictate how many can be loaded at any one time!!

Alcatraz was well worth the trip - it was very interesting, the audio tour is spoken by ex prison guards and prisoners, giving their commentary on various incidents in the prison. It makes it that bit more real!

Oakhurst was pretty, and given the time I would have liked to visit Yosemite. After speaking to a fellow Aussie in the laundry last night, I found out that Yosemite was never going to be a possibility in the RV given the 30 - 40ft snow!!!!

I was taking some photos today of the sun on the ocean at that RV park... They were really pretty - then the couple next door pointed out the whales - you couldn't see them clearly - but you could seem them come out of the water every now and then!! It was spectacular!!

Hey Mum and Dad - there is a ball game on tonight here in San Francisco - the San Francisco Giants were last years World Series winners... The kids weren't so interested and probably would have played up... besides that, they were lining up for tickets at about 4:00pm today, so the chances of getting in I think were pretty slim!!!  The game is on cable though, so all is not lost.

Here are some photos (obviously not the ball game because we are not there!) there aren't many, (look out for the slide show when I get home!)

love and kisses from all of us!!


The beach - very pretty
Whales in the Pacific Ocean behind our RV!! (estimating 40 metres off shore)

Luke learning his name in Morse Code at Alcatraz

The view from our bedroom window - tough huh?!

The sunset tonight - very beautiful!

1 comment:

  1. Great blog guys sounds absoulutely awesome wish I could think of other words to descirbe what u write but I cant We will have to make a day of looking at photos knowing your Mum she will have hundreds Looking forward to seeing more Love U heaps Nan and Pop (Mum and Dad)xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoooooooxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
