Sunday 15 May 2011


Hey there,

After waiting, waiting and more waiting we finally made it to Orlando Florida!  We waited to get our boarding passes at the hotel, we waited for our bags to be scanned, we waited for us to be scanned, we waited to get on the plane, we waited while the plane flew over to Orlando, we waited on the plane for the lightning to pass before we could get off the plane, we waited to get on the bus to get to our hotel, we waited to check into the hotel and that was all the waiting... how long was that?  We were up at 4:30am in California and finally fell into our hotel room at 8:30pm, (there is a 3 hour time difference between California and Florida) so it took about 13 hours to fly from one part of the country to the other.... phew!! We were tired!  Which is why there was no blog last night!!

Was the wait worth it?  HELL YES!  This is a hotel made for kids... so many things to do!! A couple of pools, water slides, activities, Nick shows, the kids are either busy or too tired, which is why they are not blogging tonight.  Ben is in bed watching telly (probably already asleep) and the older boys are at a studio watching a show being taped!!

Last night we could see the fireworks from Disney world (which is literally up the road).  Believe it or not, I didn't take one photo yesterday, and only a couple today!  Things will change though tomorrow!

We are very excited, the shuttle launch happens on Monday... we THOUGHT we were booked to visit the space centre on Monday, turns out that we needed to call to confirm and missed out, so now we will visit on Wednesday, I am sure it will still be interesting!

Ben was very excited he got to meet Blue from "Blues Clues", he had a cuddle and a high 5 - here are some photos (of course Jack had to get a cuddle as well!):

Ben and Blue

No Blue is not trying to suffocate Ben - he is just getting a cuddle!

Jack getting some action from Blue

Hi 5 Blue!!

The hotel we are staying at is called Nickelodeon Suites, google it to see what all the fuss is about - if you have kids and you are flying to Orlando I highly recommend you come and stay!

Whilst we flew into thunderstorms to get here, the weather cleared up for us today and was perfect swimming weather - it got to 30C - aaahhh lovely!!  Tomorrow it is going to be a little cooler - approx 27C, I think we can handle that! :-)

We have another busy day tomorrow - more swimming, boys are going to try and get cast for one of the shows... we will see how that goes!  It's pretty late here now so will get to bed.  Have a great day everyone!!

Love from everyone here in sunny Florida


1 comment:

  1. Hi guys great to that the hotel is kids friendly it makes life so much easier luv the photos shame about the shuttle but I think kennedy space centre will b amazing all by itself miss u guys heaps luv to all mum(nan)and dad(pop)xoxoxoxoxoxox
